Tuesday, July 29

Lies the only way to hurt President Bush

I happened to be perusing a few articles at The Guardian, a UK news site.

The ultra-liberal bent obvious in just the first two articles I saw was nauseating. Because it was so blatantly dependent on outright lies, one article in particular deserves comment:

The author claims that both President Bush and Prime Minister Blair lied their nations into war. One must conclude this author is either intellectually-deficient or a liar.

If President Bush lied us into war in Iraq, he wasn't the only one (and I'm not referring to the esteemed Prime Minister) ...
-President Clinton in 1998 repeatedly referred to Saddam's nuclear threat and other WMD; indeed, he believed the threat so credible that he bombed Saddam.

-The United Nations also lied us into war by reporting that a large number of Saddam's Weapons of Mass Destruction were missing.

-The Democrats of the United States Congress, who voted to give President Bush the power to go to war against Iraq months before the president gave his State of the Union Address, also warned of the danger of Saddam Hussein's weapons.

-It was apparently France's intelligence regarding Iraq's attempts to acquire African uranium which became a part of the British intelligence to which Mr. Bush referred in the State of the Union.
Those who are actually lying regarding the war in Iraq are those gutless, self-serving wretches whose political success depends on President Bush's failure (and, therefore, our enemies' success).

After 9/11, the realization of their own mortality caused sane people to support President Bush's actions against the jihadists.

Once enough time passed and people saw it was safe again to be liberal (read: "weak, appeasing, and treacherously self-serving") -- and that a Presidential Election was coming up -- they crawled out from under their rocks.

We are at war, and those elected to defend our lives and liberties lie about the Commander-in-Chief in order to harm him politically.

That's Treason.