Sunday, February 13

Incompatible with Democracy? Yes, and there's a reason for it

Consistently brilliant, Victor Davis Hanson writes about why Democracy could work in the Middle East, and why we should support it.

There are two points at which Mr. Hanson seems to be missing the mark. The first is here:
"In the case of the Muslim world, there is nothing inherently incompatible between Islam and democracy. Witness millions in India, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Turkey who vote. Such liberal venting may well explain why those who blow up Americans are rarely Indian or Turkish Muslims, but more likely Saudis or Egyptians. The trick is now to show that Arab Muslims can establish democracy, and thus the Palestine and Iraq experiments are critical to the entire region."
It seems to me in those societies named there is insufficient public support for the implementation of Qur'anic Islam (though I do not doubt there are those working within them to move those societies into the "freedom" of Shariah).

The second point is here:
The Arab world so far has missed the bus of history. The success of democratic reform in parts of Africa, Latin America, and Asia is a daily reminder of the decades lost in the Middle East, and how endemic Arab envy, jealousy, and excuses — which so repel or bore the world — can be ameliorated only by a new maturity and responsibility that are the wages of democratic government.
The reason the Arab world has "missed the bus of history" is because of Islam. It commands that non-Muslims be converted, subjugated, or killed.

Qur'anic Islam is inherently incompatible with Liberty.

Read it all here.