Dear President Bush,
I have been a steadfast and ardent supporter of you in both your presidential campaigns. I contributed financially to your re-election. I have defended you in numerous political discussions, even to the point of enduring abuse for it.
Mr. President, if we are to succeed in the War Against Extremism, we must recognize the enemy. From your public statements, those of Dr. Rice, and the apparent establishment of Sharia in Iraq, it seems that you do not recognize that our current conflict is just the latest phase of the ancient struggle against Jihad.
Since Mohammed, Islam has waged war against those whom it considers infidels. Historically (and according to the Qur'an, Hadith, and Islamic jurisprudence), the non-Muslim has only these choices under Islam: convert, submit (and pay the jizya), or die. This may seem a politically-incorrect thing to say, but it is true.
Allah commands the faithful Muslim to, "...kill the unbelievers wherever you find them" (Qur'an 9:5), "...fight...the People of the Book [Jews and Christians] until they feel themselves subdued and pay the jizya" (Qur'an 9:29), and, "...fight...until all religion is for Allah" (Qur'an 8:39).
Jihad has raged for fourteen centuries. Today it is being carried out all around the world. It will not end as long as people believe the Qur'an is the word of a god.
Mr. President, unless and until we recognize the enemy and expose it for what it is, we will lose this war. We cannot waste one American life to establish in another country the religion that is trying to convert, subdue, or kill us, for that is what we are doing in Iraq now, as is clear from the work of our ambassador there and the apparent conclusion of their efforts to draft a constitution--the establishment of Sharia.
This inability or unwillingness to recognize the truth about Islam is not new. It has been blinding United States' policy for several administrations.
The following comments make this clear (originally from El at LittleGreenFootballs, courtesy of Caryolyn2 at JihadWatch):
I have been a steadfast and ardent supporter of you in both your presidential campaigns. I contributed financially to your re-election. I have defended you in numerous political discussions, even to the point of enduring abuse for it.
Mr. President, if we are to succeed in the War Against Extremism, we must recognize the enemy. From your public statements, those of Dr. Rice, and the apparent establishment of Sharia in Iraq, it seems that you do not recognize that our current conflict is just the latest phase of the ancient struggle against Jihad.
Since Mohammed, Islam has waged war against those whom it considers infidels. Historically (and according to the Qur'an, Hadith, and Islamic jurisprudence), the non-Muslim has only these choices under Islam: convert, submit (and pay the jizya), or die. This may seem a politically-incorrect thing to say, but it is true.
Allah commands the faithful Muslim to, "...kill the unbelievers wherever you find them" (Qur'an 9:5), "...fight...the People of the Book [Jews and Christians] until they feel themselves subdued and pay the jizya" (Qur'an 9:29), and, "...fight...until all religion is for Allah" (Qur'an 8:39).
Jihad has raged for fourteen centuries. Today it is being carried out all around the world. It will not end as long as people believe the Qur'an is the word of a god.
Mr. President, unless and until we recognize the enemy and expose it for what it is, we will lose this war. We cannot waste one American life to establish in another country the religion that is trying to convert, subdue, or kill us, for that is what we are doing in Iraq now, as is clear from the work of our ambassador there and the apparent conclusion of their efforts to draft a constitution--the establishment of Sharia.
This inability or unwillingness to recognize the truth about Islam is not new. It has been blinding United States' policy for several administrations.
The following comments make this clear (originally from El at LittleGreenFootballs, courtesy of Caryolyn2 at JihadWatch):
-Arming, training and using Nato airforce to help KLA islamic terrorists in Kosovo and Bosnia [X]Check-Funding Palestine islamic thugs [X]Check-Pressuring Europe to integrate Turkey [X] Check-Pressuring Israel to relinquish its land and make concession after concession [X] Check-Sacrifice US service men & women as well as billions of dollars to erect an Islamic Iraqi state [X)Check-Being best buddies with the Saudis [X] Check
One got to wonder what it would be like if the US was not at war with terrorism.
You were right to urge Americans to refrain from punishing innocent Muslims in the United States. You were right to attack the Taliban. You were right to go after Saddam and his WMD (no doubt sent to Syria). It was noble to require that our military restrain their use of force to protect innocent Iraqis (even to their own detriment). You were right to believe that the rectitude of Liberty would inspire that nation and those around it. Under your leadership, our nation has had many great successes.
However, all of that will be for nothing if we do not recognize the enemy.
However, all of that will be for nothing if we do not recognize the enemy.
-Do not waste all of that effort, and blood, and money by failing to recognize what motivates our enemy (the teachings of Mohammed and his god).
-Recognize the "extremists" for what they are (faithful to Allah's numerous commands to fight against, convert, subdue, and kill unbelievers).
-Combat their ideology (with what? I don't know, since the Qur'an cannot be used effectively to refute itself).
-Stop trying to equate Judaism/Christianity with Islam.
-Stop pressuring Israel to surrender to Islam (in the form of the "Palestinians," whose stated goal is to wipe Israel from the face of the earth).
-Stop wasting American blood and dollars to build another Sharia state.
All that begins by telling the truth: the "extremists" are really just following the fundamentals of Islam and imitating its founder, Mohammed, in their use of violence against unbelievers. It is the truly "moderate" Muslim (and not the one practicing taqiyya or kitman) that misrepresents the Qur'an. The "Islamofascists" (or whatever other indirect term one might use) are those who are obeying Allah in their duty to fight against the Infidel.
It is clear from your past comments that you consider Allah to be the same god as the God of the Bible. Are you aware that Allah says in his Qur'an that anyone who says God has a Son is an unbeliever? That would mean he is saying your Lord (and mine) is an unbeliever because He said of Himself, "I am the Son of God." Would the God of the Bible call His Only Son "an unbeliever"?
When you equate the God of the Bible with the god of the Qur'an, you not only reveal a deadly unfamiliarity with the Qur'an, but you also lie about the true God. When you equate the words of the Qur'an with the Sermon on the Mount, you not only lie about Christ, but you endanger the souls of those who might hope in Him and so be saved.
Islam is not like Christianity. Allah is not like YHWH. The Qur'an is in no way, shape, or form comparable to the Holy Scriptures. Mohammed is no comparison to Jesus Christ.
Mr. President, I urge you and all your Administration to learn about the nature and history of Islam. A site like JihadWatch is an excellent resource. The book The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades), by Robert Spencer is a great new primer on the real Islam, not the one groups like CAIR (several of whose members have been indicted on and/or convicted of terrorism-related crimes) would have us think it is, to our own great harm.
I know you are a caring and faithful man. I know you do not send thoughtlessly young American men and women to risk life and limb. This is a war we must fight, or we will fall to Islam, just as Christian lands fell in ancient times.
If you will recognize the nature of Islam and tell the truth about it publicly, you will begin the (in some ways, much more difficult) ideological struggle against Jihad.
It is clear from your past comments that you consider Allah to be the same god as the God of the Bible. Are you aware that Allah says in his Qur'an that anyone who says God has a Son is an unbeliever? That would mean he is saying your Lord (and mine) is an unbeliever because He said of Himself, "I am the Son of God." Would the God of the Bible call His Only Son "an unbeliever"?
When you equate the God of the Bible with the god of the Qur'an, you not only reveal a deadly unfamiliarity with the Qur'an, but you also lie about the true God. When you equate the words of the Qur'an with the Sermon on the Mount, you not only lie about Christ, but you endanger the souls of those who might hope in Him and so be saved.
Islam is not like Christianity. Allah is not like YHWH. The Qur'an is in no way, shape, or form comparable to the Holy Scriptures. Mohammed is no comparison to Jesus Christ.
Mr. President, I urge you and all your Administration to learn about the nature and history of Islam. A site like JihadWatch is an excellent resource. The book The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades), by Robert Spencer is a great new primer on the real Islam, not the one groups like CAIR (several of whose members have been indicted on and/or convicted of terrorism-related crimes) would have us think it is, to our own great harm.
I know you are a caring and faithful man. I know you do not send thoughtlessly young American men and women to risk life and limb. This is a war we must fight, or we will fall to Islam, just as Christian lands fell in ancient times.
If you will recognize the nature of Islam and tell the truth about it publicly, you will begin the (in some ways, much more difficult) ideological struggle against Jihad.