Wednesday, November 9

What CAIR doesn't want you to know (and how they try to prevent you from knowing it)

The Council on American-Islamic Relations has issued a press release trying to intimidate and defame Robert Spencer, director of Jihad Watch and someone who has always been decent and fair in evaluating Islam.

Following are my comments on CAIR's deceit.
It should be obvious from their press release that CAIR loves irony:
"The Washington-based council said the growing level of Islamophobic rhetoric in American society prompts some individuals to turn their hate-filled views into violent actions."
(Like in France? Israel? Madrid? Denmark? Sudan? Indonesia? London? Bali...?)

Does CAIR mean that the faithful will (again) use demonstrably-true factual statements about Islam and its (false) prophet as a justification for (more) violence against infidels?
"Just yesterday, CAIR urged a Los Angeles synagogue that hosted a speech by Robert Spencer, the operator of a virulently anti- Muslim website..."
So, telling the truth to non-Muslims about Islam's "sacred" texts, theology, jurisprudence, and history is "anti-Muslim"?

Someone ought to tell Allah!
" offer its congregation a more balanced perspective on Islam."
So, CAIR rejects the Qur'an's commands to "...kill the unbelievers wherever you find them," and, "Fight against the People of the Book [Jews and Christians] until they feel themselves subdued and pay the jizya"?

Now that would be a revelation ! (In reality, they consider "balanced" a euphemism for "false")
"Comments and articles on Spencer's site, which is used as reference by a number of Islamophobic commentators, compare Muslims to animals and Nazis ..."
Interestingly, it was Hitler's mufti, not his pope, who aided and encouraged the slaughter of millions of Jews.
"and portray Islam as an inherently violent faith that must be confronted."
Since CAIR can't (truthfully) deny the first half of that statement, it must be the "confronting" to which they object!
"New comments on that site today include "death to islam (sic)," "islam must be destroyed..destroy islam (sic)," "ISLAM = DEADLY PARASITE," and "Islam IS the NAZISM of our generation."
Let's see...

-an ideology that requires purifying its people by destroying the impure? Check!

-the use of force to subdue or destroy those who fail to embrace the ideology? Check!

-special vehemence and violence (even genocide) reserved for the people of Israel? Double Check!

It would appear Islam has been the Nazism of the last one and one-half millennia.

Certainly, no decent person would advocate murdering innocents, unless of course the "decent" person were Mohammed (or one of his followers) and the "innocents" non-Muslims (who can never be truly innocent, since they oppose Allah).

Only two groups of people can deny the essential hatred and violence of Islam: those ignorant of Qur'anic Islam's doctrine and practice over the last fourteen centuries, and those who would keep them ignorant for Islam's advantage.