Saturday, September 6

Barack Hussein Obama is friend to an advisor of, and a propagandist for, the jihad against us

I've written a few posts critical of Barack Hussein Obama, noting -- besides his socialism and deceitfulness -- his troublesome ties to Islam.

Here's another one: Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, an advisor to Saudi prince Al-Walid, apparently helped Obama get into Harvard.

In what other ways has Muslim influence aided him? And what does Obama owe them?
The man who said white people deserve -- and want -- to have their ears and noses cut off, and that Muslims shouldn't worry, "because God wants you to do it" . . . Obama Had Close Ties to Top Saudi Adviser at Early Age . . . .

New evidence has emerged that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was closely associated as early as age 25 to a key adviser to a Saudi billionaire who had mentored the founding members of the Black Panthers.

In a videotaped interview this year on New York’s all news cable channel NY1, a prominent African-American businessman and political figure made the curious disclosures about Obama.

Percy Sutton, the former borough president of Manhattan off-handedly revealed the unusual circumstances about his first encounter with the young Obama.

“I was introduced to (Obama) by a friend who was raising money for him,” Sutton told NY1 city hall reporter Dominic Carter.

“The friend’s name is Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, from Texas,” Sutton said. “He is the principal adviser to one of the world’s richest men . . . told me about Obama.”

[. . .]

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax from his home in San Antonio, Texas, al-Mansour said he would not comment specifically on the statement by Percy Sutton because he was afraid anything he said would get “distorted.”

“I was determined I was never going to be in that situation,” he said. “Bloggers are saying this is the new Rev. Wright — in drag! — and he is a nationalist, racist, and worse than Rev. Wright. So any statement that I made would only further this activity which is not in the interest of Barack.”

But in the lengthy interview, al-Mansour confirmed that he frequently spoke on university campuses, including Columbia, where Percy Sutton suggested he met Obama in the late 1980s, and confirmed his close relationship with Prince Alwaleed.
This good prince is the devil who blamed America for 9/11, upon which Rudy Giuliani rightly threw his money back in his face.

So, Obama is friend to an advisor of a financier of, and propagandist for, the jihad against us.