Sunday, April 25

Hitler to al-Husseini, al-Husseini to his Coreligionists of Peace, and Muhammad to the world . . . and to his everlasting shame and condemnation

Miami-Dade Transit first banned and then allowed ads offering help to those trying to free themselves from Islam. One commenter here suggested that rather than focus on Islam (he doesn't like its mingling of religion and state), we should focus instead on freedom of speech. To which I replied:
That’s like saying World War II shouldn’t have been about Hitler and Nazism, but about respecting borders. That’s great, but whom do you shoot?

(In other words, how do you defend yourself against an enemy you’re either too ignorant or too cowardly to name?)
Which inspired this reply from another commenter:
What a Godwinesque way to miss the entire point!
So I offered a few observations:
"Godwinesque"? In pointing out the suicidal foolishness of avoiding confronting Islam directly, I made what's called an "analogy." Trying to dismiss its relevance demonstrates your ignorance, not your wit, and it proves my point.

The ties between Islam and Nazism are several and profound:
First, both Hitler and Muhammad shared a deep and abiding passion for killing Jews, though Adolf's six million Muhammad would call only "a start."

Second, both sought to subjugate the world. (Muhammad's been considerably more successful.)

Third, recognizing their natural fit, Hitler and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem worked together to exterminate Jews as efficiently as possible, with al-Husseini not only collaborating on the concentration camps and encouraging the Nazis staffing them to do their work diligently, but also recruiting his coreligionists to serve in the Nazi's Bosnian Muslim SS divisions.

Here's a bit on Hitler to al-Husseini:
"Hitler . . . asked al-Husayni to 'to lock ...deep in his heart [that] . . . Germany has resolved, step by step, to ask one European nation after the other to solve its Jewish problem, and at the proper time, direct a similar appeal to non-European nations as well'. When Germany had defeated Russia and broken through the Caucasus into the Middle East, it would have no further imperial goals of its own and would support Arab liberation... But Hitler did have one goal. 'Germany’s objective would then be solely the destruction of the Jewish element residing in the Arab sphere under the protection of British power.' . . . In short, Jews were not simply to be driven out of the German sphere but would be hunted down and destroyed even beyond it."
Here's a morsel on al-Husseini to his Coreligionists of Peace:
"On March 1, 1944, while speaking on Radio Berlin, al-Husayni said: 'Arabs, rise as one man and fight for your sacred rights. Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history, and religion. This saves your honor. God is with you."
And here's the genocidal pedophile Muhammad to the world . . . and to his everlasting shame and condemnation:
"The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him . . ." (Muslim Book 41, Number 6985).
Fourth, Hitler lamented Germany's being a Christian nation rather than an Islamic one.

Fifth, Hitler wrote of his "struggle," Mein Kampf. Muhammad commanded his followers to wage jihad against the world "until all religion is for Allah." "Jihad" means "struggle."

Sixth, just as Chamberlain and other ignorant cowards sought to appease a monster who'd made his intentions clear -- in writing -- so today we have a multitude of Chamberlains running around attempting to silence those telling the truth about jihad and shari'a through prosecutorial persecution (Geert Wilders), violence and the threat of violence (Theo Van Gogh, the Muhammad cartoons, and yes, South Park), and name-calling ("Islamophobe," "racist," and "Godwin").
There's one aspect in which Muhammad and Hitler differed dramatically: At least Hitler didn't claim "the devil made me do it."

So, no. The reference to Nazism was not gratuitous.