Monday, June 29

Mistaking the bondage of the will for evidence of a god that creates people for Hell

Offered in reply to Ken's defense of Calvin's Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, and Irresistible Grace, which begins by claiming that the verses from Romans 3 that I did not include in my last response means that God predestines people for Hell:
Romans 3:23-24; but you left out verse 22 and 25-26 . . . The text does not say that "every single individual was justified in Christ by His death on the cross".
But it does: "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace . . . ."

Do only some sin? Do only some fall short?

"All" is the subject of the second part of the compound predicate also. Paul was good with words. If he meant to limit the number of people justified (declared "innocent") by Christ's blood, he would have.

In Paul's Ministry of Reconciliation "God was reconciling the world to Himself" in Christ's body on the cross.

"World" means "world."

I think that part of the problem here is a confusion between Objective and Subjective Justification.

What does Scripture say?

God declares the whole world "justified" in Christ (Objective Justification). Only those who trust in Christ will experience this gift (Subjective Justification).
Do you believe that many people do go to hell because of their sin and their unbelief in Jesus?
Again, what does Scripture say?

All die because all sin. All of us are, by nature, sinful and unclean. We justly deserve God's temporal and eternal punishment.

Everyone in Hell deserves to be there, including every Christian.

Judging from his sermon, Piper's fundamental error is in mistaking his realization that we play no part in our salvation for a confirmation of the un-Biblical elements of Calvin's theology.

The fundamental concept of Total Depravity is taught in Scripture, but the idea that God does not call all, send His Spirit to all, seek the salvation of all, long for all to be saved, atone for the sins of all, and justify the "all" who have sinned and fallen short of His glory makes Him a liar.

Jesus warned us that unless we become like little children, we will not enter the Kingdom of God. Part of that is just believing what He said.

It is our duty as Christians to speak all of and only His Word.

Can anyone produce Scripture that says Christ died for only "some"? That He sends His Spirit to only "some"? That Jesus came to save only "some"? That YHWH is willing that "some" perish?

If not, then Calvin's heresies must be rejected as such.

If not, then one can hardly extol God's "sovereignty."