Tuesday, July 13

International Planned Parenthood: as destructive as its American counterpart

My Way - News

Steven Sinding, director general of the International Planned Parenthood Federation condemned President Bush's support for Uganda's proven ABC program to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS: Abstinence, Being faithful, and Condoms by stating, "It appears that this is naked pandering to an extremist constituency."

Uganda has reduced the percentage of its people infected from 30% to 6% in one decade.

It appears that this is naked pandering to an extremist minority (those who demonize Judeo-Christian morality), not to mention an attack on Common Sense and empirical fact.

"Millions of people around the world have been persuaded by the arguments of the U.S. government and religious right. Their actions represent a setback in bringing HIV/AIDS under control."

Tell that to Uganda.