Friday, December 23

What's in a name? Dhimmitude by any other word would be as wretched

Rather than refute my assertions regarding the teachings of Qur'an and Hadith with anything remotely resembling a fact, an administrator ended without merit my ability to post at x3dfx, leaving several challenges unanswered.

Here are those comments I had too little time to address, with my responses.

Post #1

Bonehed316 wrote:
...I have never once seen amil say he hates anyone. That is your interpretation of his presentation of evidence that appears, to me, to be unbiased, as he has cited multiple sources from non-redneck people, and asked you to cite sources to the contrary. We all know muslims who arent america hating extremists, and we all know christians who are (pick any liberal), lol. What's it matter? Does it mean the bible says to hate america? Does it mean the Quran doesnt say whatever it says? Not everyone listens to a book, and there are many cosmic forces that affect peoples actions.
Thank you, Bonehed316.

Facts can be quite annoying for apologists of Qur'anic Islam.
@Mac, elmo thinks everything is politics (and in a way he has a point). People's beleifs (if they are strong enough to have a voice) often do affect them in many parts of life.
Christ made a distinction between two Kingdoms: the Civil and the Spiritual, which is why Christianity can produce a Republic under a Constitution safeguarding its citizens' "...unalienable rights...[including] Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."

Allah makes no distinction between the civil and the religious, which is why those nations are so oppressive in which Shariah rules (especially for the Infidel).

Post #2

ElMoIsEvIl wrote:
...I've herd exactly what the Qu'ran says. It does say that on Judgement day those who believe and God and who are Muslim will have to take up arms against the forces of evil led by non-believers.
That is what the Qu'ran says and ironically the Old Testement (bible) says the same thing.
That's false. Please provide citations from the Qur'an and Bible to support this claim.
Problem is those who interprete that entire piece figure that Judgment day is Right now, and that they must take up arms against any non believers of Islam (infidels) when in fact it says God.
That also is false. Where is does the Qur'an state for this?

Is this intentionally deceptive? Are you really so unfamiliar with your own religion? Have you been so thoroughly propagandized that you are eager to defend a god that commands violence against you (Allah specifically commands fighting against, subduing, and killing non-Muslims; see Qur'an 9:5, 9:14, 9:29, 8:39)?

Stop conflating Qur'anic and Christian theology. Unlike Christianity, which teaches that Christ will judge the world at the Last Day, Islam teaches that Muslims must do the punishing now.
Another thing is that parts of the Qu'ran, much like the bible are written my MAN.
Which parts? How do you know?

Islam claims that Allah revealed the Qur'an to Mohammed, and that the faithful recorded and preserved it. Christianity teaches that men wrote as they were "carried along" by the Holy Spirit.
They're holy scriptures written during the Crusades by men on either side.
It is true that portions of the Qur'an were "revealed" to Mohammed while he and his followers were fighting against, subduing, enslaving, raping, and killing for Allah.

However, the last of the Bible was written a thousand years before the first Crusade.
Much of the blame for the fall was placed on the...corruption of Rome's Senators....And it is with this that Homosexuality was said to be a sin... because the fall of Rome was blamed on the wrath of God... when in fact it's historic, not religious.
No, homosexuality has been a sin since before Moses (see Genesis) because the LORD defines it as such.
Parts with words spoken by prophet mohammed himself do not instigate hatred, death and violence.
According to Islam, the Qur'an is the perfect word of Allah, revealed to Mohammed and spoken by him to others who recorded it.

So, Allah's commands (as found in the Qur'an), spoken by Mohammed, and the (false) prophet's own orders (as found in Hadith) to fight against, subdue, terrorize, maim, and kill infidels (and apostates) do not inspire the actions they explicitly command?

Post #3

iamthebandfanman wrote:
and im glad you find her racist extreme views funny and witty.
one things for sure, they are definitely funny...but i think you may have to have some sort of logic and reason to be witty at all so u lost me on that one.
Speaking of Ann Coulter, have you ever heard of hyperbole? Irony? Sarcasm? Anger at the murder of nearly three thousand innocent Americans?

She may be overly sardonic and harsh at times, but she is right and smart, which is why the Left (a.k.a., Veracity-challenged-Americans) hate her so much.

What evidence do you have of her racism? The passage you cite as evidence of her "racist extreme views" is one paragraph in a column from September 14, 2001.

In the context of her article, she is making the point that in a war one side wins, and the other side loses, and since the United States is fighting against an enemy more hateful, violent, and ruthless than Nazism we should be at least as serious about defending ourselves as we were in World War II.

Ms. Coulter writes:
This is no time to be precious about locating the exact individuals directly involved in this particular terrorist attack. Those responsible include anyone anywhere in the world who smiled in response to the annihilation of patriots like Barbara Olson.

We don't need long investigations of the forensic evidence to determine with scientific accuracy the person or persons who ordered this specific attack. We don't need an "international coalition." We don't need a study on "terrorism." We certainly didn't need a congressional resolution condemning the attack this week.

The nation has been invaded by a fanatical, murderous cult. And we welcome them. We are so good and so pure we would never engage in discriminatory racial or "religious" profiling.

People who want our country destroyed live here, work for our airlines, and are submitted to the exact same airport shakedown as a lumberman from Idaho. This would be like having the Wehrmacht immigrate to America and work for our airlines during World War II. Except the Wehrmacht was not so bloodthirsty.

"All of our lives" don't need to change, as they keep prattling on TV. Every single time there is a terrorist attack -- or a plane crashes because of pilot error -- Americans allow their rights to be contracted for no purpose whatsoever.

The airport kabuki theater of magnetometers, asinine questions about whether passengers "packed their own bags," and the hostile, lumpen mesomorphs ripping open our luggage somehow allowed over a dozen armed hijackers to board four American planes almost simultaneously on Bloody Tuesday. (Did those fabulous security procedures stop a single hijacker anyplace in America that day?)

Airports scrupulously apply the same laughably ineffective airport harassment to Suzy Chapstick as to Muslim hijackers. It is preposterous to assume every passenger is a potential crazed homicidal maniac. We know who the homicidal maniacs are. They are the ones cheering and dancing right now.

We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war.

Were we "tolerant," "inclusive," or "understanding" of Nazis and their hellish ideology? Should we have been? Why are you not angry? Why are you so willing to allow our enemy to exploit America's goodness and openness against us?

MacCaroni can "lol" about blowing up Iran for threatening Israel, but Coulter argues we should fight with a ferocity against Jihad at least as great as that with which we struggled against Hitler, and you condemn her.

Whose side are you on?
the fact that you do read and listen to what she says speaks volumes of your open mindedness....
The fact that you don't speaks volumes of yours (or that you should read more carefully).
i suggest no-one argue with you seeing thats all you want, drama. someone to disagree with you so you can snarl at your keyboard and try to show some sign of intelligence from your hands.
Drama? Who brought up Ms. Coulter anyway? Oh, yes! It was you:
i suggest you go read some ann coulter sir, lol. specifically some of her work about her feelings on the war on terror and iraq. and dont act like she doesnt represent a large portion of extreme right whackos, cause people do actually follow everything she says.
iamthebandfanman concluded with:
here , ill do the research for you , since im sure you looked and saw what she said (or maybe you didnt since you blindly follow).
If I hadn't looked I would be blindly following you, and considering your comments so far, that doesn't seem the wisest thing to do.

"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war." - Ann Coulter
So, either you think we should have been more gentle with Hitler and Nazism, or you think the Jihadists aren't really all that bad.

Which is it?

Post #4

ElMoIsEvIl jumped back into the fray with...
[Amillennialist]...likes Ann Coulter?

She's like Mrs Hitler. She's probably the most Fasciste Right-Wing lunatic this side of Bill O'Reilly...
That you equate someone who believes in and defends American Liberty with a mass murderer says more about your knowledge of them (or your definition of "fascist") than it does Ms. Coulter.
Not that Amil had any credibility... but this brings him down to an even lower low.
I've provided a good deal of evidence for my arguments. You've demonstrated little more than an embarrassing misunderstanding of both Islam and Christianity (and their books), but it's my credibility that's lacking?

Post #5

In response to my comment that Christians are to refute all false doctrines nonviolently, JoSFh NV wrote:
How do you know tho mate?
IMHO its suggestive of destroying knowledge (burning/smashing).
We know from the context of the passage and the passage itself:
"We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5).
And then...
Tho thats an opinion. IMHO Islam is a religion of peace providing the voices of the reformist Muslims are louder than the mad fanatics (Bin Laden. Abu Hamzer. Sheik Abdhul Mohammed etc).
The problem is that Allah and his apostle's words will always be loudest.

Post #6

rashly commented...
I completely disagree. Religions are much more than just texts and the people and the culture behind the religion are much more important. The way it affects people and the way it is in people's minds represents a religion much more than a text can.
Belief determines action. In a religion, certain doctrines are defined as orthodox. In Islam, the words of Allah (Qur'an) and the words and actions of Mohammed (Sunnah) are the final arbiters of truth, and so they define doctrine.
History has proven that people who follow the texts of religions too closely are the people that cause the problems in the world.
It depends on the text.

What would the world be like if people followed the texts that command, "Love your neighbor as yourself"?

What is the world like when people follow the texts that command, "...kill the unbelivers wherever you find them"?
The world changes and many things in ancient texts no longer apply to life these days.
Jesus said, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away."

Post #7

JoFSh NV asked...
There are some interpretations of the Quran here whats your take on them?

Quranic texts
Faith Freedom International is an important site in the struggle against Qur'anic Islam (of course, I would disagree with the implication on one page that Christ was "self-serving").

From their site:
Faith Freedom International is a grassroots worldwide movement of ex-Muslims and all those who are concerned about the rise of the Islamic threat.

...Hardly anyone can write anything more damaging to Islam than the Quran itself. All you need to see that Islam is not a religion from God but a dangerous cult that promotes hate and violence, is read the Quran.

...The majority of the Muslims are decent people who do not know the truth. They will leave Islam after seeing its ugly face. It may take them some time to recover from the shock and denial but eventually they will do the right thing.

...The majority of the Muslims are good people who are innocently led to believe that Islam is a religion of God. These people are seeing the truth for the first time and are leaving Islam in big numbers. Those who still remain Muslims after reading these verses, have no humanity or conscience. They must be filled with shame and shunned. They are the terrorists or their supporters and the enemies of mankind. They are in minority but still they number millions. Once the decent Muslims leave Islam, the terrorists will lose their moral base of support. This is the only way to combat the Islamic terrorism.

I looked at your link's 9:5, and that looks like the other 9:5's I've seen.